Donation provides much-needed access to fetal monitoring technology
Ed Myers, a software quality engineer in Andover, Massachusetts, has coordinated donations of Philips equipment as part of a variety of humanitarian missions in the region and elsewhere. Working with organizations like Assist International and Rotary International, Ed has navigated a complex web of product donations, funding, logistics and transportation challenges to provide vital monitoring equipment to the hospitals that need it most. In 2005, Ed assisted in the managing of a Medical Project through a donation from a Washington state hospital of refurbished Philips patient monitors while Philips donated medical consumables to Cure International Hospital in Kabul. This project was championed by Assist International along with Rotary International. Five years later, in 2010, he secured a donation of 16 SureSigns patient monitors for Jalalabad Public Health Hospital thru the assistance of Philips Healthcare, Assist International and Rotary International. In 2015, Philips Healthcare donated 16 fetal monitors for two hospitals in Jalalabad, Afghanistan that urgently needed the technology. For the 2015 project, Rotary International provided the funding and support for a vocational training team to provide instruction on the devices at a teaching hospital in Adana, Turkey for physicians and an engineer from Jalalabad. Today, these fetal monitors are being used at two hospitals that deliver 50 infants a day at each hospital. Combined that is 100 infants a day. They also monitor the mother for any complications, to allow for the doctors to care for the mother and infant.
Ed Myers, Software Quality Engineer, Philips
Scott Reid, a Philips employee and a nurse, donated his time to provide clinical education on the use of the fetal monitors for the Afghan doctors. In one poignant example, a woman who had two previous C-sections and had lost both babies was very worried when entering the unit for the delivery of her third child, whom she was terrified of losing. She was fortunate to receive fetal monitoring for the first time and delivered via C-section in her 37th week. This baby was healthy and survived. The parents were so stunned with their good fortune that they forgot to check the gender of the child. It was a boy.
Dr. Ghazi Jamal Abdul Nasir, Director of Nangarhar Teaching Hospital in Jalalabad
Reliable maternal and fetal monitoring for obstetrical care Avalon now includes a wealth of technical advances in monitoring, measurement, and transducer technology that allow mothers to move about during labor during routine and high-risk deliveries.
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