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Achieving the highest standard of ethical corporate conduct

Philips Healthcare is a part of Philips Electronics, and its employees are committed to compliance with our corporate General Business Principles or GBP.

As a health care company committed to providing innovative technology and services that enable health care providers to achieve clinical excellence, Philips Healthcare faces additional ethical and compliance challenges and obligations. So we have supplemented the GBP with a health care compliance program.


Learn more about our compliance programs.


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Philips Healthcare 2015 compliance program

Philips Healthcare (Philips), a global leader in the growing medical device and diagnostic industry, is committed to providing innovative technology and services that enable health care providers to achieve clinical excellence.

Philips is also committed to strategically conducting business which is consistent with our mission, vision, and values. Philips compliance program is a vital component of a commitment to the highest standard of ethical corporate conduct.

Annual Certification of Compliance with the Corporate Comprehensive Compliance Program for California

Philips Healthcare, a division of Philips Electronics North America Corp., and its affiliates (“Philips”), has established and is operating under a Comprehensive Compliance Program (“CCP”).

Where applicable, is in accordance with the “Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers” issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (“CPG”), and the AdvaMed and NEMA/MITA Codes of Ethics on Interactions with Healthcare Providers (“Device Industry Codes”).

Not a drug manufacturer
Because Philips is a medical device manufacturer – not a drug manufacturer – certain guidance set forth in the CPG does not apply to Philips and its operations. Similarly, Philips’ CCP is based on Device Industry Codes and not the PhRMA Code of Ethics for the pharmaceutical industry.

With these clarifications and Philips’ good faith understanding of the statutory requirements, Philips is – to the best of its knowledge – in compliance with the provisions of the California Health and Safety Code §§119400-119402, to the extent they apply to Philips Healthcare.
[Updated 03-04-2014]

Compliance updates
Please note that our Philips Healthcare compliance program may vary from country to country to reflect legal differences, and not all programs are available for posting.

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