A complete radiology workflow with embedded reporting and advanced applications for diagnostic outcomes to eliminate time-consuming manual data searches. A single source of imaging information used to create the Imaging Health Record.
You need a complete overview of your patient’s cardiovascular history. By seeing the past as well as the now, you can make faster, more informed decisions. Make the leap to integrated cardiology solutions that take sharing data and clinical decision-making to another level.
Empower your staff to improve operational outcomes and reduce costs, in real time. Philips PerformanceBridge provides access to aggregate data and AI generated best-case scenarios, predictive budgeting, staffing mix/modelling, and right-size fleet projections.
Learn how Philips integrated diagnostics makes insights easily accessible across the enterprise, fostering collaboration and helping you accelerate diagnosis.
Accelerate clinical efficiency to help teams work smarter before, during and after procedures.
Philips helps bring more clarity at every moment of cancer care through streamlined multidisciplinary workflows and integrated patient data. See how.
Our cardiac imaging solutions provide excellent image quality and streamlined analysis, reporting and insights for a more confident diagnosis.
See how Philips's portfolio of integrated radiology workflow solutions helps you to connect workflows to improve outcomes and enhance efficiency in your radiology department.
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