Aug 30, 2022 by Philips
Reading time: 4-5 minutes
In 2018, to meet its needs for standardized, and up-to-date monitoring to support its plans for “telemetry everywhere,” Jackson Health Systems entered into a groundbreaking, 11-year Enterprise Monitoring as a Service (EMaaS) agreement with Philips Healthcare. The agreement covers house-wide physiological monitoring, including telemetry, transport, bedside and spot check monitoring in all clinical locations of the hospital, running on Jackson’s existing 802.11 wireless infrastructure. The model includes hardware and software upgrades that allow the hospital to keep up with rapidly changing technology without the risk of obsolescence. The benefits of EMaaS extend beyond new technology with ongoing clinical workflow optimization, continuing education, asset management services, and analytics that support continuous improvement over the course of a long-term partnership. The efforts to improve telemetry are ongoing. The team is currently working on improving alarm management, developing measures that ground telemetry use in industry-standard guidelines and moving patients off telemetry monitors in a timely manner when telemetry orders expire. The team is also reviewing current data and staff and patient needs in areas other than telemetry to identify the next priorities for improving workflow, staff efficiency and quality of care.
Discover how the EMaaS shared-risk model enabled Jackson Memorial Hospital to access up-to-date monitoring capabilities aligned to their performance goals.
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