In today’s healthcare environment, it’s essential for hospital systems to effectively extend resources, expertise, and actionable data wherever care is needed.
Especially in acute care settings—where higher risk, higher cost patients require nearly instantaneous access to expert critical care.
As our population ages, an increase in complex conditions and co-morbidities are placing higher demands on acute care. To adapt, healthcare delivery organizations must consider several important factors:
To provide remote clinical expertise for bedside care teams, solutions need to seamlessly connect technology, people, and processes across systems, departments, and enterprises.
To enable additional patient oversight, the prioritization of healthcare delivery, and ad-hoc consultative support, while improving overall collaboration,1 remote clinicians and bedside care teams require communication synergy.
To help bedside care teams avoid data overload and prioritize the delivery of care, remote clinicians need access to clinical decision support tools that collect, aggregate, and analyze data.
Every health system faces challenges unique to their community. To deliver the right care at the right time, solutions need to scale quickly to meet current demand and support future growth.
Powered by interconnected devices, analytics, and AI-powered decision-making tools, telehealth solutions can transform how care is delivered.
See how we help you illuminate a new path to virtual care.
A scalable, centralized acute telehealth solution that has been consistently shown to drive clinical, operational and financial outcomes across a healthcare enterprise.
1. Chu-Weininger MYL, Wueste L, Lucke JF, et al. The impact of a tele-ICU on provider attitudes about teamwork and safety climate. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2010;19:e39. 2. Gartner, Healthcare Provider Top Actions for 2021: Prioritize Virtual Care and Care Team Collaboration, Mike Jones, 30 March 2021. 3. Philips. (2017, October). eICU Program Customer Success Stories: How our customers are changing the delivery of healthcare.
From Gartner: “The digital assets that healthcare providers leveraged in their COVID-19 response set the direction for further transformation. CIOs should establish a pandemic recovery roadmap composed of virtual care and care team collaboration in 2021.”2
Register to learn more about how virtual care programs can make immediate and long-term impact.
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