Today patients with spine disease have several treatment options, being open and minimally invasive spinal fusion procedures. During these procedures, advanced real-time image guidance is getting more and more critically important in helping you get a better understanding of the anatomical structure and define the correct pathway for device placement.
Our Spine surgery solution offers a wide range of imaging platforms and spinal navigation software for image guided spinal surgery. Using procedure-specific tools can help support you in improving your results.
With the increasing complexity of spine surgeries and requirements for both open and minimally invasive procedures, our Spine suite solution offers a state of-the-art hybrid operating room that enables you to perform fast, accurate, and simplified procedures. It supports the full spectrum of spine procedures.
Our tools provide remarkably detailed insights into anatomy, pathology, and clinical outcome during each phase of the procedure as you decide, guide, treat, and confirm. Workflow innovations, such as our FlexMove/FlexArm, can support medical teams in reducing overall procedure time and our technology enhances staff and patient safety by efficiently managing radiation dose.
Solutions for Spine procedures that offer advanced real-time image guidance with exceptional workflow flexibility for the hybrid OR, that enables you to perform fast, accurate, and simplified procedures. Offered by Philips image-guided therapy.
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