How an innovated approach to governance can influence and improve operational culture, fast track operational efficiencies and create trusted, strategic partnerships

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Governance is a term that, while signifying good business practices, can often be perceived as a rigid and restrictive structure, a necessary evil rather than a positive gain. This article turns this thinking on its head, arguing that a reframing of the value of modern governance is required.


According to Dawn Bruce, Service and Solutions Delivery Leader, Canada, instead of being a start point for risk, worry and closed thinking, a modern, innovated governance model can be the vital first step in forging next generation partnerships through the structuring of flexible, collaborative business practices and behaviors that make it possible to optimize operational performance.


In this fast, informative read, Dawn Bruce highlights why governance should get the focus and praise it deserves, why its is central to the formation of any good relationship and integral to realising change management. And, with change in mind, she also outlines how an Operational Intelligence approach makes it possible to embed flexibility and collaboration within the governance process and create an innovated governance model should be utilized.

governance figure

Why governance is central to the formation of good working relationships


Framing the governance process and adopting an innovative model from the start can make or break relationships, priming for success rather than failure. Dawn Bruce explains: “Our partners tell us that our modern, innovative approach to governance empowers open conversations, impacts and informs supporting behaviors and establishes norms and values to ensure that all those involved operate in an aligned, transparent, inclusive and mutually constructive way.


Rather than closing down dialogue and setting procedures in stone, a progressive governance structure can lock in trust, flexibility and collaboration by embedding the principles of shared risk and reward. It becomes a win: win from the get-go.”

About the author


Dawn Bruce,

Services and Solutions Delivery Leader, Philips Canada

A passionate advocate of positive partnerships and purposeful business Dawn Bruce is Services and Solutions Delivery Lead for Philips in Canada. An originator of the Operational Intelligence approach and backer of people-powered progress and soft skills, she has extensive experience of outcomes-driven business transformation and healthcare system change management.

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Governance for change management


Embedding an innovative governance structure therefore has multiple benefits that span far beyond the initial contract and can pave the way for effective change management:

Governance number 1

Enables high performance:

Operational performance is the objective of all health providers and a governance framework is the difference between an underachieving organization and a high-performing one. Through good governance comes informed implementation, planning, monitoring and measurement of operational performance. Beneath the achievements of all high-performing organizations is a solid governance framework which supports people and the strategic goals of the organization. It helps everyone to be the best that they can be.

Governance number 2

Builds trusted and transparent decision making:
There is a mutual understanding of the goals and objectives of the partnership. All relevant stakeholders are involved in a decision making process which connects people, processes and technology.

Governance number 3

Builds in the flexibility to change:
all organizations are challenged to respond quickly to external forces, changing paradigms, new technologies and emerging healthcare needs. In order to understand external threats and opportunities, organizations need cohesive and dependable leadership to navigate and improve the organization as the world changes. This ability to adapt to constant change is not something that occurs by accident. It is enabled by good governance. And how you handle change is the ultimate test of your governance durability. The governance system you put in place will determine your course of action as change occurs and will guide your pathway to the future, ensuring the organization stays true to its mission and vision and thrives.

Governance number 4

Maintaining stakeholder confidence:
no organization enjoys the blowback from an angry stakeholder or groups of stakeholders when they feel that an organization is ignoring their needs, bypassing them or failing to take on board their input. It damages trust and confidence and sets back the health providers operational goals. Happy stakeholders empower organizations to be at their best and, strategically, propel them forwards. 

Dawn Bruce sees governance as having the potential to open the door to innovation in a partnership and to prime that partnership for success. “With healthcare organizations continuously under pressure to reduce costs by 20%, innovative governance can be a gamechanger in offering a way to actually achieve our goals, stay within budget creatively yet still gain the benefits of what we need from an operational perspective. The formation of an innovative governance model becomes almost as a kind of procurement process to actually get what you really need.”

improve operational efficiency cover

Read the full article An innovated approach to governance and discover how Philips is partnering with global health providers and systems to apply its innovative Operational Intelligence approach to hospital operations management and innovation.

About the author


Dawn Bruce,

Services and Solutions Delivery Leader, Philips Canada

A passionate advocate of positive partnerships and purposeful business Dawn Bruce is Services and Solutions Delivery Lead for Philips in Canada. An originator of the Operational Intelligence approach and backer of people-powered progress and soft skills, she has extensive experience of outcomes-driven business transformation and healthcare system change management.

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