We help you to stay close to the heart

By Philips Healthcare ∙ Aug 21, 2024 ∙ 3 min read


Image-guided therapy

At Philips, we believe in the importance of staying close to the heart. As cardiologists and healthcare professionals are challenged with improving patient outcomes while reducing costs and managing staff shortages due to burnout and backlogs, it has never been more important to empower them to master these complex challenges – so that they can give their patients the best possible care and quality of life.

At a glance

  • World Heart Day | Philips 2024 
  • The importance of staying close to the heart during a procedure 
  • Giving patients the best possible care and quality of life

Clinician performing exam

“ These days we can fix more complicated lesions. Take on more challenging cases. All because of innovations in our equipment.”

Portrait of Qaisra Yasmin Saeed

Qaisra Yasmin Saeed, M.D

Interventional cardiologist,
Private Practice, USA

“ Getting the best for the patient – the Azurion is critical in this regard.”

Dr. Alexander Becker 

Senior Physician and Head of Cardiac Cath Lab,
Robert Bosch Hospital,
Stuttgart, Germany

“Azurion is a go-to hub for all the things you need during the case, placed literally at your fingertips. That saves us time and allows us to maintain focus on the patient and procedure.”

Amit P. Amin, MD, MS, MBA 

Associate Professor of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine,
Dartmouth, United Kingdom

Our purpose is to improve people’s health and well-being through meaningful innovation. In the cardiology space, we offer imaging, devices, software, informatics and services that empower healthcare professionals right across the care pathway – so they can deliver better heart care with greater efficiency. Thanks to our solutions, cardiologists can deliver high-quality care for conditions such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) – which is the world’s biggest killer, responsible for more than 20.5 million deaths every year¹ – plus coronary heart disease (CAD) and structural heart disease (SHD). We are proud to offer solutions that truly empower cardiology professionals as they work to deliver positive outcomes for patients across the globe. Together, let’s stay close to the heart.

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[1] World Heart Report 2023, World Heart Federation

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