The Philips M1133A pulse oximetry sensor delivers continuous, noninvasive measurement of arterial oxygen saturation. Designed for multi-day, single-patient use, the M1133A wrap sensor is made of soft and flexible material and is manufactured without latex. It can be placed around the hand or foot to measure pulse oximetry on patients weighing less than 3 kg (6.6 lbs), as well as on the big toe or thumb of children from 10-20 kg (22-44 lbs), and on any finger except the thumb on patients over 40 kg (88 lbs).
Patient Application |
Recommended patient weight |
Cable Length |
Use with Philips Equipment |
Sterile or Non-Sterile |
Latex-free |
Package Weight |
Minimum Shelf Life |
Product category |
Product type |
Packaging unit |
Adapter cable compatibility |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
Application site |
Patient Application |
Recommended patient weight |
Patient Application |
Recommended patient weight |
Cable Length |
Use with Philips Equipment |
Sterile or Non-Sterile |
Latex-free |
Package Weight |
Minimum Shelf Life |
Product category |
Product type |
Packaging unit |
Adapter cable compatibility |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
Application site |
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