Avalon Cableless Toco+ MP Transducer with Avalon Smart Pulse measurement is for use with the Avalon CL base station 866074, and has a connector for maternal ECG, fetal ECG, or IUP measurement.
Operating temperature |
Operating humidity |
Operating Altitude |
Charging temperature |
Storage/transportation temperature |
Storage/transportation humidity |
Storage/transportation altitude |
Product Dimensions |
Weight |
Water ingress protection code |
Shock resistance |
Transducer Identification |
Operating temperature |
Operating humidity |
Product Dimensions |
Operating temperature |
Operating humidity |
Operating Altitude |
Charging temperature |
Storage/transportation temperature |
Storage/transportation humidity |
Storage/transportation altitude |
Product Dimensions |
Weight |
Water ingress protection code |
Shock resistance |
Transducer Identification |
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