Pregnancy is a special but often anxious time. During a patient’s most important life moments, having Philips by your side can help you provide your patients with the care they need and comfort they deserve.
When | Topic | Who |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Application of CEUS in the diagnosis of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy | Prof. L. Hong, CN |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Gynecological Ultrasound - Clinical Cases Part 1 | Prof. M. Hoopmann, DE |
Friday, 16 Oct. @ 11:10 CET - LIVE | Ultrasound Live Demo | |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Gynecological Ultrasound - Clinical Cases Part 2 | Prof. M. Hoopmann, DE |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Ultrasound in gynecology - clinical cases | Prof. A. Testa, IT |
Friday, 16 Oct. @ 16:40 CET - LIVE | Ultrasound Live Demo | |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Application of ultrasound in endometrial receptivity assessment - Key points | Prof. M. Ren, CN |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Past, Present and Future in Pelvic Floor | Prof. Huub van der Vaart, NL |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Updates in Fetal Neurosonography: Anatomic Guide to Visualizing the Invisible | Dr. D. Jackson, USA |
Friday, 16 Oct. | Fetal heart and fetal heart interventions | Prof. J. Dangel, PL |
Friday, 16 Oct. | The impact of fetal ultrasound to neonatal and pediatric care | Prof. L. Goncalves, USA |
Saturday, 17 Oct. @ 11:00 CET - LIVE | Maternal and fetal cardiac function in placental dysfunction | Prof. Basky Thilaganathan, UK |
Saturday, 17 Oct. @ 15:00 CET - LIVE | Albuquerque, Sydney, Amsterdam - Can remote Ultrasound be diagnostic? | Dr. M. Ruma, USA |
Saturday, 17 Oct. @ 16:40 CET - LIVE | Ultrasound Live Demo | |
Sunday, 18 Oct. @ 11:10 CET - LIVE | Ultrasound Live Demo | |
Sunday, 18 Oct. @ 11:20 - 12:20 CET - LIVE | GestaTIonal TrophoblAstic NeoplasIA Ultrasound assesMent: TITANIUM Study | D. Veri, T. Pasciuto, E. Epstein, R. Fruscio, F. Mascilini, F. Moro, G. Sciambia, L. Valentin, A. Testa |
Sunday, 18 Oct. @ 15:10 CET - LIVE | Live for ISUOG Registered attendees only | Prof. D. Iliescu, RO |
Sunday, 18 Oct. @ 16:40 CET - LIVE | Ultrasound Live Demo | |
Dr. Luis Goncalves from Phoenix Children’s Hospital shares applications of PureWave technology to prenatal diagnosis.
Watch Dr. Michael Ruma as he shares a perinatal guide to COVID-19.
Professor Joanna Dangel shares new technologies in fetal echo.
Dr. Tomasz Jachymski from the Medical University of Lodz in Poland shares his expereince of clinical use of high frequency linear probes in the first and second trimester of pregnancy.
Philips OB Solution for Earlier Diagnosis VM 6.0
Designed to do more: EPIQ Elite premium ultrasound for Ob/Gyn
Enhancing diagnosis
Dr. Michael Ruma uses FlexVue with Orthogonal View to enhance the diagnosis of a fetal facial cleft abnormality.
Fetal adrenal mass assessment
Beverly Coleman, MD and Suzanne DeBari, BS, RDMS, RVT, RT(R) evaluate a fetal adrenal mass with the eL18-4 PureWave linear array transducer.
Diagnosis of a severe fetal intracranial abnormality
Dr. Michael Ruma uses the V9-2 PureWave transducer to assist in the diagnosis of a severe fetal intracranial abnormality.
FlexVue with Orthogonal View
FlexVue with its orthogonal view are highly versatile tools that allow for easy visualization of technically difficult anatomical views from 3D volumes that are essential for diagnosis of Ob/Gyn pathology.
MicroFlow Imaging High Definition (MFI-HD) is a proprietary enhancement to CPA mode designed to detect low-volume, low-velocity blood flow found in fetal, placental, uterine and ovarian vasculature. MFI-HD overcomes many of the technical barriers associated with conventional methods to detect small vessel blood flow with high resolution and minimal artifacts.
Live communications support better, more meaningful collaborations, especially at the moment when needed. Explore how Lumify with integrated Reacts capability brings professionals, places and patients together to make a real difference.
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