Central patient monitoring systems
Philips central patient monitoring systems and clinical workflow solutions provide essential functions such as continuous monitoring from low to high acuity, early warning scoring, mobility and data security. Adaptable and networkable, Philips central monitoring systems incorporate innovative features—such as flexible trending and display capability, advanced alarm management and virtualized platforms—that place them at the core of patient monitoring in a broad range of caregiving environments. Efficia offers comprehensive and cost-effective options, while IntelliVue systems represent some of the most advanced technology in the field, offering cableless and even contactless configurations. Flexible access to critical patient data provides advanced clinical decision support, enhancing care and streamlining workflow.
Philips Patient Information Center iX is at the heart of a comprehensive patient monitoring solution designed to help clinicians make informed decisions with confidence.
Philips and Masimo Partnership. Informed care every step of the way. The intelliVue X3 transforms from a multi-measurement bedside module into a rugged transport monitor – now serving up a continuous stream of patient vitals and advanced clinical measurements including noninvasive SpHb2 and PVi.
Philips Patient Monitoring. Make informed decisions with confidence. This integrated solution fits securely into your hospital’s IT environment to capture virtually gap-free patient data and feed it directly to your EMR.
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